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Monday, August 27, 2007

ECO Invitations/Cake

All my good intentions to get a bunch of work done today, kind of fell secondary to getting the invitations out for 2J's Eagle Court of Honor. Our committee chair person gave me a book on what to do, and not to do when plannning these... the first of which was to get the invitations out 2 weeks prior. Oh well, at least my family won't think I have hired an Eagle Court Coordinator or anything when they barely get there's barely a week prior... they will know, it was just me doing my best. It was bad enough not to be able to pick a date to have everyone come... but we had to wait for the approval to come back (details, details) and it just didn't make it during the summer like we had hoped.

Then I spent way too long in Costco ordering a cake... chocolate or vanilla, what filling, what kind of icing, then there is the design... you'd think red, white and blue would be pretty simple. But remember I can't make a long story short, so what makes me think I could keep this process quick and simple?

It is coming together, I really hope I can come up with some creative way to put his brag table together. The book had some ideas, but the second most important tip was to make it fit your Eagle Scout, so I don't want to copy someone else's. I now have a table piled high with years of awards, pictures. accomplishments, pinewood derby cars, and cub scout shirt and badges and NO IDEAS!!

I have such a strong testimony of prayer, so I am going to pray for the inspiration to put this together in a way that will please 2J's and show a little glimpse of why we as parents are so very proud of him. I hope it is not one of those prayers that get's answered an hour before the big event! Proud Mom, but feeling very inadequate at the moment.

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