I am so excited the Biggest Loser is back on again.It is so inspiring to me... not just the crazy amount of weight the contestants are able lose in a week, but how their minds and lifestyles change (or don't).
You can hear them the first week, "stuck" in their habits and still listening to all those negative thoughts that are going through their heads (by the way God would never say those terrible things to us, ever, so where are they coming from?... yep, oohhh he is so evil) saying
"Oh I can't do it, it's too hard".
Jim got trapped watching it with me, and he was making fun that when they first arrived from home, they were all gungho and talking about how they are going to take advantage of this second chance in life... and only 45 min. into the show they are giving up and quitting (and puking). The trainers were amusing to him too! When Bob explains how you have to burn more than you take in and the deficit is the amount of weight you lose... he was LOL mocking and saying what a great concept, I have been telling you that for years honey. (okay, maybe I don't want him to watch it with me... he was kind of wrecking it for me... Mr. know it all still wearing the same size jeans since high school).
But season after season after season... they come to a place in their journey (some earlier that others), and they will discover they CAN do it... that their bodies respond to what they ask it to do, time after time. Even at very heavy weights. And when they push themselves, they can do more than they think they can. And by the end of the season, the theme at the finale is always, "when I got my head out of the way, my body could do it".
I have been working on my own personal "big lose"... It is a huge journey for me, but I have a big goal to get to by Jacob's graduation in the spring. So that is pretty motivating for me! I have been overweight since he was born, and he has only ever known me this way. And it is definitely NOT who I am!! So I am working to show myself and to show him, who I really am and what I am capable of!
I have a friend who is "living her journey outloud" and sharing it on her blog. I have a private blog going to journal my progress and victories. But it takes some kind of courage that I just don't have yet to "live life outloud". I might share glimpses here, but I am still working on the courage to get over being judged, and feeling the strength within to share my journey "outloud". But I totally LOVE the concept and I am so proud of you Melody!!
Look out world, when I find my courage!