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Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's a "Private" Party

Just because I CAN share every detail of our lives on the Internet, doesn't mean I SHOULD...
So to have a little more control over who reads about our everyday exciting adventures, I am making my blog private in the next couple of weeks.
I think I need the freedom again to write and truley journal without having to censor and change names to protect the innocent. I really believe there is good in everyone, but it can get mixed up with crazy sometimes too. So when I saw hits all over the UK and Europe on my blog, I decided it was just time.
If you want to continue to keep up with our really EXCITING lives (ha ha ha) or enjoy seeing a thousand pictures of our dogs, feel free to leave me a comment and your email address.
Thanks for understanding!

Snow Play!

We were loving a perfect Snow day for December 1st!
My boys braved the drive to work.
Morgan and Taylor only dreamed of going out in! Rudy, dreaming but not so much about the cold snow as he was a warm snuggly blanket.
I had to go dig out a path for him to go out... he hated every minute of it.
Taylor on the other hand!
Well she just wears her feelings right out there on her paws doesn't she?
Her and Morgan ran and played out in the snow and has so much fun.

I actually had fun shoveling snow most of the day... I just kept thinking about what a great free workout it was... so I dug out some of the widows and single ladies we know too. They sit inside, threatened by their older children living in other states over the phone not to get out in it... but can't stand seeing it sit on their driveways and sidewalks, chomping at the bit to get it cleared. So it was a win win win situation. I get a workout, they get their snow cleared, and the kids have the peace of mind knowing their mothers are not going out and slipping and breaking anything in the snow.
Then we all came inside and warmed up.
Today I can't get Taylor out of the bed!
She is pooped out, so funny!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Snow, finally!

I have never been so upset to have to turn off the weather reports, but they have gotten it soooo wrong for so many weeks around here now, I quit listening. Before Thanksgiving they were saying we would wake up to 8-10 inches of snow and I would spring out of bed to complete wet pavements, rain??? What????
I have gotten almost rotten and unable to be excited for my family who has seen snow in Utah and Seattle, because all the blizzard warnings and snow advisories around here were totally bogus! For weeks now! It's ridiculous!!
Finally it started snowing last night, but I wasn't getting my hopes up, they said it would be raining by morning. But we woke up to some accumulation and closed schools, Yay!
Rudy took one look and headed back to his kennel... I had to pry him out and send Jacob outside to dig out a hole in the snow for him to go outside, I handed him out and Jacob nicely placed him in the dig out... but you can't really tell a dog where to go, so he leaped out into the piles of snow and made his own path. The whole way he had to deal with a very excited Taylor jumping and flipping snow on him... when he finally reached the door to come back inside he turned and gave her a big growl, to let her to LEAVE HIM ALONE, he was quite a grouchy old man this morning, and he probably won't be going back out again today, he is done!

And it's still snowing, wahoo!
I guess that will be my cardio workout today... shoveling snow!
Be careful what you wish for, huh?

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