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Friday, April 10, 2009
Happy Birthday ~ Mom and Lauren!!
I was so lucky when I married my husband to add such a wonderful other family to my clan. If they had a store and you could just go out and pick your in laws; I don't think I could have found a more loving and fabulous family. I think I did pretty good, doing it pretty much blind at the time!
With all the siblings and nieces and nephews and their kids now... it is quite a group!
So with such a big family we have birthdays piled into every month except May?
And there are many double birthdays!
Hey, we should make a family birthday blog... and everyone can go make comments on what they love about that person on their birthday! Hmmm.... that's an idea.
Well today is a double birthday... our new great nephew was born just a little early to make it a triple birthday. But we have a niece born on her grandmothers birthday.
I remember I was pregnant with the teenager back in 1992 and we got a call from Mom during the middle of the night that Ruthie had her baby... it's a girl... Lauren Elizabeth! Ahhhh! I love it!
And she is still the sweetest girl, very beautiful with dark hair and eyes, and very shy.
Happy Birthday Lauren!
Needless to say, that made Grandma very happy, she was calling all of us (you could tell it was still during the 1st half of grandchildren bearing (or is it receiving) days... we don't get many middle of the night calls anymore, we all sleep through it and find out the next morning, hee hee).
I love my mother in law! She loves the little babies and children. She doesn't think she was a good mom, comparing herself to what mom's know these days about raising kids; but I am pretty happy with what I got out of the deal. He is a wonderful man and "the world" did not teach him all that good stuff, it had to come from home.
Other things I love about Mom...
she is a southern girl (her heart was so familiar to me; it's like my mom's)
she has musical talent ooosing from every cell... she can sing and has a beautiful voice, she can play the piano, and I love that if you are singing with her and can't hit the note, she will change the key and play it down where you can reach it (amazing).
When she was teaching the teenager to play, he would practice and she would be in the kitchen and could hear he was off and would holler out "flat the F"!
She has a green thumb.
She isn't afraid to fiddle with recipes and has about a 98% success rate, just goofing around with ingredients (it's that other 2% that the kids remember and harass her about) It's a talent to be able to combine foods and flavors and make something taste good. And she pretty much does it with what's on the shelf.
I love that she always wears an apron in the kitchen, it's just cute.
She is petite, but a fireball... just like her Mom!
What's that saying "walk tall and carry a big stick"... she gets that... I think she is a little shy, when she is not in her comfort zone, but feels comfortable in most places and situations.
She loves to fish with her sister.
She taught (and still teaches) me so much about life and provident living, I think she could write volumes of books about it. I was surprised to learn some things just this week; that she has done all her life, that I am reading on these new young mothers blogs and they think it is this all new craze! But she could teach them a thing or two. It's like having my own secret weapon.
She sews and has made countless projects.
She has a big heart and is always looking for ways to help anyone in need with her talents. She gives away more than she will ever keep for herself!
She makes friends easily.
She thrives to be organized and neat; even though everyone knows that artsy creative minds are free and don't usually flow that way. I think it's a battle, she is learning to win! What an example of overcoming and doing hard things.
I know she could write volumes of other books on nutrition; what to do, and not to do... from all she has learned so far in her life. She has been given many trials with allergies and good health, but again, she faces them and learns how to overcome.
She makes the best biscuits and gravy... her kids all still rave about them as adults. It is one of the biggest requests when they go home to see Mom.
She opens her heart to learn from her children. I hope I can do that one day with my son. I know he sees things in me, that I would benefit from changing, but my heart is not open enough to hear it yet. She has learned how to do that. It' hard, but so Christlike.
She has tiny hands and rings look really good on her fingers.
She adores and honors her parents; such a good quality, I really admire in her.
Happy Birthday Mom, I love you!!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Bath time...
After the winter thaw, when the ground was the least bit damp, my dogs all found any and every little bare spot in the back yard where the lawn is dormant and managed to bring in enough mud packed into their little paws everyday to fill a stadium for a motor cross race!
Seriously, it was a chore to keep their feet clean coming in and out hundreds of times a day. It's their favorite activity to see how many times in a row I will respond to their requests to go outside before I will tell them NO!
It's kind of scary to ignore one of those whining requests... like little children, you just never know when they are crying wolf, when they are messing with you, and when it is the real deal. And when it's real, you never ever want to miss that opportunity, especially if they are ASKING!
However, I do have a little pack of wolf criers in this crew.
So they finally got the much anticipated baths to really clean out the paws and get a nice spring clean coat on.
They are all pretty good about bath time... and are patient until it is over.
Everyone gathers in our tiny bathroom watching each other, and waiting their turn.
It really looks all exciting when it's someone else's turn. But Morgan realized pretty quickly when her turn came up, it wasn't all a bed of roses the other two made it look like.
"Seriously, you keep getting that water on my face"
That is not her favorite part... she hates getting her face wet. And Dad just gets the job done, he isn't super careful and nurturing protecting their eyes from just plain water.
"They are water dogs from Labrador... don't you know"? He reminds me, as I try and help protect them from a distance.
"They are water dogs from Labrador... don't you know"? He reminds me, as I try and help protect them from a distance.
"Do you have to take those pictures now?" he says sounding very annoyed with me.
I better be quiet, or this job will be mine.
Dog baths and carpet cleaning... it's what he takes on, so I am not going to goof that up!
Shut your eyes if you don't want water in them!
This is totally just enduring until it's over!
Morgans hair gets super curly when she is wet... we always laugh at her, she looks totally adopted at our house, we all have the straightest hair!
I don't even have a shutter speed fast enough to catch them when bath time is over. They love running amuck, and chasing each other all over the house.
There is always one that spoils it for everyone though... we had to stop the running of the bulls when Taylor flew down the hall, out of the teenagers room, and cut the corner coming into the living room by leaping up and over the couch and glass side table clearing my fragile Easter Egg wreath standing on a 15" tall wreath hanger instead of going around the couch and table with the precious easter eggs displayed. Lets just say she was feeling good, but a little over confident for my taste and mood at the time!
It was kind of funny when I think about it because nothing got broke; she cleared it by a mile... but it was one of those occasions you can't laugh in front of the kids, or it encourages them.
I wish I had it on video!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
SPT ~ Gift a family member...
Okay, this might be a lame gift to my family, but my gift to them is to get healthy.
I have my own goals in mind for myself, but they should benefit to have a healthy fit mom/wife around for a long long time.
I can do hard things!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Good Mail...
I pulled it from the mail box and couldn't imagine what would be inside, from my SIL... my curiosity was getting the best of me. I couldn't even wait until I got back to the house!
Oh my stars it is coupons!!! How cool!
And what perfect timing... this week one of my stores is doubling coupons! This means more home storage I hope! What a great gift and SO thoughtful!
I know what it takes to get a package to the post office... letters aren't bad, you can put them in your mailbox and throw up the red flag. But these bigger envelopes, you gotta take them in and get them weighed to know how much postage goes on them. It's a special trip, and my personal experience when I arrived at our post office yesterday with a line all the way out the door, and one postal worker inside... makes me really really appreciate good mail like this. You gotta feel the love!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Banana Bread...
I am ready to dive into learning how to healthy up some recipes using whole wheat; and a friend of mine posted on her facebook page that she felt like a "homemaking goddess" while making some whole wheat bread. So I have been bugging her for recipes and hints and trying to let her make all the newbie mistakes and learn from her; rather than diving in to fast and making them on my picky eaters and them never eating whole wheat anything again!
Sorry to make you out to be the Guinea Pig Ann, but with your great timing it just worked out that way, and your doing a super job!!! They scarfed up the banana bread and didn't even notice it was whole wheat. I almost didn't get a photo before it was all gone! I can't lie if they ask what is in it. But if they don't ask, I figure it's all on a need to know basis.
I hope this is something I can learn and begin to adapt into my repetoir! I am finally absorbing some of the knowledge taught all these years of all the good properties of wheat and the benefits to our bodies as we cook with it.
Spiritual and physical feast...
Our home teachers brought over these amazing cinnamon rolls right before the Sunday session. I had been thinking of them on Friday... should take something over to let them know we are thinking of them, but never got any farther than that.
I was up Sunday morning early, but hadn't quite pulled together anything cool for breakfast for the family... just read on my SIL's blog and saw her pretty waffles, thinking what a good idea. But never actually being a good enough Mom to do something for my family! So these rolls totally saved my image... (so I'd like to believe)! I was just full of good intentions... but no action to go with them; the story of my life!
I loved all the messages we heard at conference.
I tried to do some quiet projects and listen (with my notebook beside me of course)... but I was so distracted from my projects by the awesome talks, I finally got up from the table, cozied into my favorite chair and just listened and took notes.
I have never been so captivated by General Conference before... I must have been very hungry and needed to be spiritually fed this weekend.
I had a dream Friday night that as we watched the conference broadcast we saw our Bishop called and sustained as a General Authority. I was so shocked that they could take him from us, I was panicking and crying in my dream, and then he and my husband and his brother went out and were playing and goofing off together and I was all stressed out that he wasn't our Bishop anymore!! And they were all taking it so lightly... I woke up pretty annoyed at my husband for being so caviler about such a reverent time; and then had to shake it off and remember it was just a dream... whew (about losing our Bishop... I know it will come some day... I am just not quite ready yet)!
Here are some of my thoughts from Conference....
New Apostle - Elder Neil Lindon Anderson (this is cool to see a new apostle sustained)13,508,509 members in the church; 52,494 full time missionaries; 128 Temples
Provident Living. We should live HAPPILY within our means. The essence of provident living is paying down your mortgage and saving for your children's education, paying a full tithe and fast offering. Avoid addictive behavior - it does not satisfy. It can only be overcome by turning to the Lord. He stands waiting to help us overcome.
Refer to leadership in the church appropriately with reverence... Brother (__ ); or Elder (___) not by their first names. We exemplify respect and reverence by attending and participating in our meetings (don't text, read, etc. - join in!) Take any concerns of reverence to ward council so they can be addressed there.
Receiving personal inspiration, witness and teaching can only be done by the Holy Ghost.
Strength through covenants - As we walk in obedience to the principles and laws of the gospel, we receive the blessings according to the Lord keeping His end of the covenant. As we keep the commandments He will nourish and strengthen us!
Examine your life and be sure you are doing all you can to be worthy of Gods help. Blessed are they that are lowly in heart. It is important to smile through our pain and trials.
Learn from your Elders.
Faith is developed by obedience to the gospel.
Faith is power.
The Plan of Salvation is for ALL, not just a few.
Families can be forever through Temple Covenants.
During extreme loss - these are the times to show faith to the Lord!
Set specific goals to attend the Temple. Especially when you live in the shadow of the Temple. Don't allow anything to get in your way. There is no other activity a couple can do to receive greater joy together than attending the Temple.
Understand the significance of the atonement in the Temple ordinances. Always express gratitude for the Temple blessings. Don't be hurried and rushed to get to the Temple. Listen carefully with an open mind. Be mindful of those who are receiving the ordinances and pray for them. Sealing is by the Holy Spirit of Promise.
We should never complain when we are living worthily and are given trials of death. The blessings of the ordinances of the Temple are GREAT!
Our prayers should follow correct patterns and teachings of the Savior. Amen, means truly or verily. Avoid vein repetition. Pray for Gods help while striving to resist evil and live worthily. Blessings from God are seen and unseen.
The power of the atonement has the ability to make us whole when we repent.
It is usually through other people that He meets our needs, so it is imperative that we give service to others.
We will never be left alone or unaided.
Focus on our blessings as members of this church. Be of good cheer and do not fear.
Keep Christ in the center of our lives.
Hold tight to our testimonies.
Forget yourself and get to work.
Satin makes us feel common; Jesus makes us feel unique.
Service to our God is what makes us truly happy!
Eternal Principle - It is better to give, than to receive.
Our Temple covenants give us protection = protective power.
Brigham Young - "Fire of the Temple Covenant"
Remain worthy to enter the House of the Lord to receive the blessings of eternal consequence.
Take a look at your home with spiritual eyes...
Is it...
Peaceful, clean, orderly, uplifting like the Temple?
Is the bedroom a place for quiet prayer?
Are there scriptures in a place to teach the family?
Is there a personal gospel study space?
What kind of music is playing?
What conversations take place in our homes?
Is the kitchen a place to feed and gather the family in love?
Establish a house of faith, prayer, of study and nurture and learning, a house of order.
God will never take our agency from us.
Choices have consequences attached. The Holy Ghost is like our personal GPS system in place to help us make correct decisions; to protect, teach and guide us.
We can lose the signal of our GPS if we make decisions that lead us away from places it is strongest in reception.
Follow the patterns and council from the prophets; this direction will never lead us astray.
Be spiritual shepherds. Be the light of the gospel to those who are searching for answers. The field is white and ready for harvest. Open our mouths and declare our belief in Jesus Christ, tell of Joseph's first vision, and testify of the Book of Mormon.
Be careful how we use the Internet.
Our testimonies will comfort and sustain us.
Strive to live closer to the Lord.
Go to the Temple often.
Remember President Monson and the General Authorities in our prayers.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sunday prep for Conference...
This morning as I sorted through my papers for the coupons, we got 5 inserts today! And doublers from one of my locals stores. Yipee! (I think they are going to be doing more and more of these deals, in this economy, as it becomes more popular again).
Anyway.... I looked over to see the big dogs watching the birds out the window from the couch! It was as if they were getting their spot early to watch conference before the boys got up and took all the good spots.
Too funny how Taylor pig piles on top of Morgan and how Morgan loves her so much, she just tolerates it!
The best spot is next to the arm that is closest to the window view, so everyone fights to get the good seat in the house. I guess Taylor figures if someone is already there, you can save space by going UP! Smart and frugal in her own way. They do this when they are puppies, to keep warm, but she just never out grew it.
It reminds me of being with my nieces and nephews and learning for the first time the game of "save spot". When someone says that if they leave to go get food or the bathroom or something, you can't steal their spot.... but if they forget, that spot is free for the taking! You learn the rules pretty quickly around a big family!
So fun! I think of them every conference... I hope we can go watch conference in person with them again soon. Such fun memories!
I can't wait for the spiritual feeding today!
Saturday Conference...
Saturday conference was so wonderful... I usually need to keep my self busy doing something quiet while I listen; but this time I never got to my quiet work because I was so busy taking notes. I just couldn't get enough... it seemed to all be something I could use and apply to my life or help teach those in my circle of influence. That was so cool, and it went by super fast.
.

But everyone else had their own quiet things they worked out while we listened.
The teenager cleaned his golf clubs.
(plus you can see I made a candy basket to keep them on a sugar high to get through all the sessions... hey what ever it takes. Both my boys fell asleep at times anyway, I hadn't accounted for the sugar crash... protein drinks for today sessions)
I was really impressed by our dogs. They were so good!
I think they feed off of our nervousness or calmness.
I think they feed off of our nervousness or calmness.
And then last night the boys went to the prieshood session and out to DQ for their traditional ice cream (they got strawberry and marshmallow shakes) yum!
Friday free day...
On the way home I swung into the thrift store and found these dessert bowls that match some of my clear dishes. So that was a fun cheap find.
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