Saturday "the boys" wanted to drive to town to the golf shop to "LOOK AROUND"... so I agreed, sort of reluctantly... (it felt like a set up).
So we drove through this crazy wind storm... it was blowing anything and everything all over the road.
We even came up on an accident on the other side of the freeway that looked like it had blown a motorcycle driver right off his bike. It was horrible, we could see the driver laying in the middle of the freeway, with ambulance and fire trucks all around and his bike was so far down the road it was scary, they had all lanes closed. We didn't see it, so we could only speculate on what happened. But the wind was insane!
When we arrived at the golf shop, I walked around to other nearby shops trying to stay out of the way, since I know nothing about "looking at golf clubs"!-
Then like and hour and a half later, I get a call on my cell from "the boys" to come back to the store. After working with a golf pro and looking at probably every club in the store... they begin the negotiations with me.
The 1st deal was... teenager wants this really expensive driver and will split the cost if we pay half for his birthday present.
I am trying to explain how I feel to my strong silent mysterious man about going out before your birthday and buying your own present!!! But since he set the precedent on this... it was kind of like waisted breath, he was trying to do all the right things, but he just didn't get me.
So to ease my worries of having some soft of surprise on his birthday, he tells me I could buy the teenager golf instructions from this semi pro and surprise him with that... would that help??
You see what I am dealing with, and how they think!!!
So I feel horrible as we leave the store, not really having "happy feet" about such a milestone for my only son's 16th birthday... which is basically over now!!
Needless to say, there are no pictures.
The teenager loves his new driver, and can't wait til Tuesday for his 1st lesson.
I guess that is what counts... he is happy, got what he wants for his birthday, right!
Why do I feel so horrible and sad?
This is not at all what I thought birthdays were all about...
I always feel really special on my birthday, I love hearing from family and friends that let me know how special I am to them... I like to reflect on special times I have had for birthdays that have come and gone, and ponder if I am where I want to be for the age I just turned.
Yes, it is fun to get something you wouldn't normally get at any other time of the year... but birthdays aren't just about presents!
Where did I go wrong... is this wrong???
Maybe I am just turning into a scrooge, maybe this is just the process of my teenager turning into a man, and breaking away from his mother!!
If so, it feels crummy!
His birthday isn't even for another week... will I just feel this way between now and then, or will I find a way to turn this around and get over it, and have a happy day with him on his birthday?
I guess time will tell.
Hmffpt!!!! BIG SIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My baby's 16th birthday... I feel jipped!!