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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Over the River and through the woods...

Mom and I left Friday after I got off of work to drive back to her house.
Can you say ROADTRIP!!
We were having the best drive and just passed LaGrande it started snowing.  And the roads were getting white.  And the traffic slowed to about 25 mph.
It was sucking the fun right out of my fun roadtrip, FAST!  There was a rollover accident on the eastbound lanes, so that and driving a car I was not familiar with added to my anxiety. 
But we made it up over the summit and down the back side of cabbage hill safely.   

We stopped at the Gilson's for the night. 
Diana had just left.
Aimee had just got home from a trip to Seattle with Sean, so they were home with their babies.
Marcus and Brittany came home from Aimee's house just before we all went to bed, but we got hugs, no pictures, darn.
And they left Johnny with his grandma, wHaT??
But it was super fun to see Johnna and Clyde and visit.
Here is Clyde showing my Mom what facetime is... 
Johnna how did you manage to make this your only photo?  LOL

They have lots of new beautiful artwork in their home I hadn't seen before.
But this is an old favorite...

Yep, painted by my Strong Silent Mysterious Man... 
I know, cool Right!

So for the record, it doesn't belong to him anymore because he threw it in a dumpster moving way back in his younger days and Clyde fished it out and kept it.  So he doesn't get it back!
But they have given it to Jacob when ever he wants it for his home.
So cool!!

We slipped out early the next morning like thieves in the night!
And back on the road again...

I only get to make the stops I want, when Im traveling with Jacob... Jim is way too focused to take the scenic route on the way to grandma's house.
So Mom was a really good sport and let me stop at the falls on the way into town...
There may or may not have been begging involved.

They were absolutely beautiful... there was so much mist coming up from the bottom, 
we were getting wet all the way at the top.

Then we went by so I could see the venue where my nephew got married.  So beautiful, what a view (no picture)!!

But I manged to get a shot of the golfers for Elder Dayley!!  

After we arrived at Mom's house, my Sis came over and Ralph and Panda.  

We made pico de gillo... random I know, but I had some veggies from the fridge that Jim wouldn't eat, so I brought them with me to use at Mom's.
I had the best salsa making team ever!!
The cilantro was hand picked, every leaf was pulled from the stems.
And the best chopper ever!!

Then we played a hot and heavy game of Rook...

Its a family tradition.
Contrary to Mom's overly serious Rook face, 
we laughed our guts out!!
I am actually sore today from laughing so hard... and I may have a serotonin hangover.

This morning I woke up to this beautiful sunrise!!

It's gonna be a good day!

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