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Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy 17th Birthday Jacob....

Tuesday Jacob turns 17... but he will be gone on a high adventure rafting trip for the week; so we played birthday out with him on Saturday!
His birthday present... no surprise, would be bought here.
He has grown another mile, so the new clubs we bought him last year, as it turns out, are now old clubs... they can lengthen them, but the just can't bend them to the angle he needs. So we had him re-fit for some new clubs. Looks like Jim will get the old/new set... so it was kind of a win win for both of my boys.
We were taking him out to a birthday lunch afterward and he chose McDonalds, what the heck? We were in the city with an array of restaurants to chose from and he picked Mickey D's! It was all good. I am glad he is more like his Dad, humble and little things make him happy, and not so high maintenance like me anyway!
When we got back home, he had some birthday cards in the mail... so it was really good timing!

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