Growing up for me, Saturday morning was always our chore time. The earlier we got the work done, the faster we could go out and play. So I guess I have learned to put off chores until Sat. mornings... but my problem is, when Sat. morning arrives... I want to go play. So, well, we have been playing a few too many Saturday mornings and the chores were backing up.
The teenager asked for a list... he just hates it when he thinks he is almost done and finds out there is one more thing to do. Who wouldn't, so I made "the list" and everyone agreed to work on their share.... wahoo, this never happens... I will take all the help I can get.
The living room was laundry central... oh my stars there was so much laundry!
This burnt out light bulb had been driving me crazy!
Yep. He was done with chores.
The teenager skipped out to go help someone a friend install their fence.
"Wait, the yard didn't get mowed, and there's more laundry, what about bathing the dogs?" Oh well, it was nice to have the help while it lasted.
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