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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saturday Conference...

Today while watching Saturday LDS General Conference Sessions... it rained and poured at our house!

A perfect day to stay inside! It was cool outside and it felt so good!

I loved watching the rain come down and keep coming down...

watering all the trees and plants and the grass, and clearing all the junk out of the air.

The boys left for the priesthood session in the evening. We have a brand new ice cream shop a block from our Stake Center; so they will try it out and move their traditional ice cream afterwards from DQ to the new place. I hope this little shop has a clue and is ready for all the men that will be coming through there after the priesthood session (after all they did not make up this tradition, it has been handed down... what a great tradition).

My boys!

(finally the teenager is smiling, and now my strong silent mysterious man is being dorky trying to be tall)


M said...

Yeah it rained here in Arizona too! Ah those wonderful boys Jake and paps are

Lindsey said...

Wow Beth... your boys clean up good. You must be so proud!

Anonymous said...

It's almost time to trim the trees....

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