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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

SPT ~ Something New...

I forgot to post my SPT last week, and since I have already posted about the new look at my house... I will just add a couple of my favorite "NEW" things.

Stay tuned for something borrowed....


Anonymous said...

Love the metal sculpture! Mom looked 100% better when she returned. Physically, not emotionally drained. GOOD JOB! It was just what she needed.

Unknown said...

the sculpture AND the mirror are beautiful! how did you hang the sculpture on your siding? i'm trying to do something like that.

PaD said...

A beautiful job. I love the sculpture too. I'm glad you all are alright from the boat ride.

Beth said...

Thanks... hmmm you mean I wasn't supposed to drive a nail into the siding?
I am usually a hot glue nut... that's how all the Halloween and Christmas lights go up on the ceiling in the front entryway outside... but I ran out of hot glue sticks, so I just grabbed a small nail and pounded it inside the crack between boards pretty much. I will leave a small hole, but I always have something seasonal hanging there, so I wasn't worried about leaving a mark.

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