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Friday, September 28, 2007

Running with Angels...

Okay, those of you who know me... better sit down!

I am reading a book!

I am not a reader... I have never liked to read... I would much rather plug in a movie and not have to work to get a story in my head... My sister devours books, My Mother loves to read and I am jealous that they get to share that together passing back and forth one good book after another. My Mother in Law is an avid reader and even shared the Harry Potter books with 2J's when she lived here... My sis n law has a book club and blogs about new books they are reading... not me! I am not a bad reader, I just don't like it.

But after my little melt down this week... my bff gave me one of her books (she is a big reader too) she thought was good for anyone going through trials of any kind.

It is called Running with Angels by Pamela H. Hansen... I really can't believe I am blogging about a book! Anyway, I went to pick up 2J's last night from pulling pipe from the field and ended up waiting 2 hrs for him (another long story)... so I had this book in the car with me... and began reading.

I have to admit at first it was very sad, she went through some major personal tragedy... and that was not happy to read, but it was written well and once I got past that I began to see why she shared such detail about what she had gone through.... basically she had these tragic things happen in her life, she was overweight, and she writes about how she overcame it all and ended up running a marathon.

Now let's not be confused... I have no ideas of trying to run a marathon... EVER!! But I found this book to give me some insight on overcoming trials etc. I too think it would be good for anyone going through any kind of trials to read... she is an LDS woman and it is just very well put together so far.... I am about half way through the book.

I feel such a personal triumph to have gotten this far in a book and not set it down and walked away. I don't know how anyone finds time or a quiet place to read without putting their life on hold (it has to be very quiet when I read). Which maybe I just need to learn to do once in a while, just put things on hold and go find a quiet place.

My hubby wasn't really a reader and became one about 4 years ago... he keeps telling me I could be a book worm at any stage of my life... maybe this is it. I will let you know if I actually finish the book. It is my new goal now!

I am so happy for all the people in my life that make being a "reader" cool!


patsy said...

I have just become a reader recently myself, although I am still addicted to magazines. (which I don't count as really reading)
I have read this book! I bought it last year at costco after hearing tons about it through WW, etc.
I loved it...I should probably read it again. I too NEVER plan on running a mile let along a marathon.

Anonymous said...

You would really really enjoy reading

"The Wedding" by Nicholas Sparks

Nicholas use to live in Simpsonville, SC and also wrote

Message In A Bottle and Notebook.

The Wedding is by far the best!

Also if you want to read about a dog...... The Guardian also by Nicholas


PaD said...

That is great you're halfway thru the book already.

When I'm hurting I can get lost in a book. I read a lot as a child as TV wasn't much until I was 12 years old. I loved taking my 2 little girls to the library and reading Amelia Bedelia to them. We'd laugh and have fun going to the library. I had to work when my older 3 were little so didn't get to do the same with them. We just shared a lot of hard times when they were little. I'm glad your husband has become a reader.

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