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Monday, September 10, 2007

Papa and Nene's Visit

Tuesday Night when they got here, we got to go to Papa's Favorite Ice Cream place... Sonic. I never believed him that their Coconut Cream Pie Shake was the best, but now I am convinced. It's my new favorite! Now, I have something else I have to stay clear of. Ugggg!
Thursday Morning after the Court of Honor they left and went to Cody Wyoming. They had always wanted to go to the Cowboy Museum there.

Last night they made it back into town, so we went over to their room and heard all about the trip to Wyoming. The museum, Yellowstone, Mom even went to the LDS Chapel to see the Cody Mural that is so famous there, and loved every minute they were there. It totally sounds like a place my "strong silent mysterious man" would love to visit, maybe I can talk him into it next summer for a family vacation trip, since it isn't too far. She brought me back some neat literature so I could see what we were missing.

So this morning they were headed back home...

Pretty sad moment, I cried as they drove off into the sunrise.
I think Mom could have stayed for a few more days to visit, but there is no slowing down my Dad when he get's on the road... a true trucker at heart, he can put some miles behind him pretty quick!
It was a very fast visit, but one we will never forget... it was great to have them here for 2J's special day.


patsy said...

Did you know Brett is from Cody?
Our boys signed when they saw the cody post. They LOVE Cody. Brian is flying up to spend some time with his grandparents & favorite horse Bandos (he went back in August) next month.

patsy said...

I meant to say SIGHED whoops!

patsy said...

I forgot to mention we LOVE the Buffalo Bill cody museum. After Brett's dad retired he got a job in security there just so he could walk around & look at the guns all day.He doesn't work there anymore.

Beth said...

I told my Mom about Brett being from Cody and his parents still living there... her 1st comment was "that explains why Brett is so wonderful"!

I think if my Mom were on her own, without my Dad as her tour guide she would have taken the time to look them up while she was there, but with my Dad in the lead it was a pretty fast and furious trip through.

However, my Dad did get to see enough of Cody it seemed to make a BIG impression on him, and that is saying allot... he had many many great things to say.

I just have to get your brother over there now! I am excited to go see for myself all the fantastic things they told us about it. Sounds like he would love it there too!

I figured your boys would like to hear about it... Mom had some AWESOME pictures on her camera, but I didn't have time to get copies of those. I will try and post some later if I can get my hands on them.

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