For family night we built a hillbilly golf game... finally golf that I can beat the boys at!
Poor Dad, we made him work when he got home from working all day... but the good news is he found something fun but easy he could have his scouts build this week.
We just made one tower, the scouts will build the other one to learn how. Then you have a set of 3 bolo's (2 golf balls on a rope) for each team. Set up the towers like you would horse shoes on each side of the course and then you take turns shooting at at each tower. You can find the instructions on building and playing the game on the internet.
It only took a few minutes to build and you can take it apart and store it in a bag all together to move from party to party to play.
It really is so fun!
Then the game playing fun begins...
It's really all in the wrist...
Not like that...
Are you just getting by, doing what's easy (only need one point to win, so you just aim for the lower rung hoping to snag it or with any luck something higher) or diligently pursuing your goal to get there? (working to do your very best on every shot, not just doing enough to get by) Do we apply ourselves to strive to reach our highest potential, or are we just getting by?
3 Nephi 13:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
That's so fun and creative!
what a fun blog... thanks for sharing... looks like it is getting cold in Caldwell.
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