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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy 49th Birthday... 49 things I love about him!

49 things I love about my Strong Silent Mysterious Man!

1. He has a sexy deep voice. It was one of the first things that attracted me to him. We knew each other over the phone, way before we met in person.
2. He is humble and doesn't need much to be truly happy.
3. He was the best Dad I could have ever imagined for my son... from the very second we found out we were pregnant. I was afraid and fearful I would be the primary care giver; and so uncertain that I was even capable of doing that; but he eased my fears from the very beginning in his every action of what a great, hands on Dad he would be.
4. He has a wonderful work ethic.
5. He doesn't fight back.
6. He isn't petty; and reminds me softly when I am.
7. He is straight forward and kind.
8. He would give the shirt off his back to someone in need.
9. He is content eating the same exact sandwich everyday for lunch; actually this makes my life simpler, but I don't understand it... I have to have variety.
10. He is so relaxed playing his guitar.
11. He could play his guitar for hours and days on end.
12. He has a soft spot in his heart for dogs; especially our dogs.
13. He can't go look at puppies without bringing one home... he better not go look at anymore puppies.
14. He had really nice handwriting, but get jealous it is better than mine.
15. He makes me sign our name to things because he thinks my handwriting is better than his... but he is wrong.
16. He used to write lyrics to songs on our bathroom mirror. I thought they were love notes to me.
17. He has stopped and helped so many people broke down on the side of the road... I have lost track. And I think there are probably hundreds more I don't know about; because I worry to death about him when he tells me these kinds of stories.
18. He has an artistic, unorganized mind; but usually accomplishes much more than me, because I get all bogged down with the details.

19. He has been happy with Levi 501's forever!
20. He will wear the teenagers hand me down fancy designer jeans.
21. He said he would never wear fancy designer jeans.
22. Most anything he tries to do he is really good at. We tease him for having "the Midas touch"; everything he touches turns to gold.
23. He hates it when we say that about him; he thinks he has to work at lots of stuff.
24. He doesn't, it all comes naturally.
25. He gives up most of his side of the bed, because I am wild sleeper.
26. He has a really high tolerance for pain.
27. He has compassion for people he has never met.
28. His food rating range goes from "it's okay - to good". There is nothing above or below, and nothing in-between. I haven't learned to appreciate this yet; it frustrates me and leaves me wanting more. But I am sure if I ever learn to cherish it, it's a real blessing in disguise! And probably most wives would give a left arm for this quality in their husband.
29. He doesn't gossip!
30. He loves listening to live bands.
31. He happily comes home to me everyday; even when I am moody!
32. He is an outdoors kind of guy, and appreciates beauty in nature.
33. He has an infatuation with wood, rocks, and Indian artifacts.
34. He "collects" guitars; I am just learning what this means.
35. He loves mexican food.
36. He has played in lots of different kinds of bands over the years. I wish he had more opportunities to jam with his friends. It makes him really happy.
37. He is loyal.
38. He has fallen in love with bow hunting.
39. He lets me go with him even when he is with "the boys".
40. He is okay that I don't let him do things when it is just "the girls".
41. He is calm cool and collected most of the time; and finds it annoying that I worry about things out of my control.
42. He is grounded; and very mature.
43. He doesn't judge me when I act immature; he is patient with me and all my insecurities, and shortcomings.
44. He has shortcomings, but it's a pretty small list, he doesn't dwell or pick out others.
45. He is finally learning to forgive himself for his shortcomings.
46. He makes friends easily; but doesn't have many close friends; but keeps them forever.
47. He is okay with being shorter than the teenager now; I am still learning to deal with it; and have coping issues.
48. He introduces me as "Elizabeth" to strangers. I love that, it's really endearing somehow... like they have to get to know me before they can call me Beth (?)
49. I love that he loves me for just who I am; and even more when he shows his affection openly!

Happy 49th Birthday ~ Darling, Sweety, Honey, Baby, Hon, Cutie, Love, hmmm... #50 - we don't have nicknames for each other.


Lindsey said...

What a great post.... I love my hubby dearly but don't know if I could come up with 49 things I love about him. Happy Birthday Jim!!

P.S. Josh and I don't have nicknames for each other either.

PaD said...

Sometimes nicknames are not so good. Jack called me Maw for years. When the kids all left home, I finally told him that my name wasn't Maw that it is Pattsy. He doesn't call me maw much anymore. Somehow I kind of miss it. Strange is what I am.

PaD said...

I forgot to say that I loved the post.

Beth said...

Too funny! My Mom doesn't care too much for the nicknames my Dad gives her either.

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