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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Project Me...

My sweet sister is always finding new ways to stay inspired to reach her goals... and luckily it often rubs off on me when she runs it all by me!
I am so lucky to be the one she runs it by, it's the best position to get the "rub off" affect, I don't think she will mind if I blog about it.
She is working on her weekly goals between now and our annual Women's 5k Walk Celebration in September. (yeah!! I am so excited she and my Mom are coming over to do this with me this year!!)
She is calling it "Project Me"!
(I really love that it has a name!!!)
As part of her goals she has the fitness routine building up each week so that she is in a better position by the time the 5k is here. And part of her nutritional routine includes the water drinking everyday.
And to keep herself accountable (this is where I fall on my face) she has emailed it to me and my Mom, and then sends a weekly update on how she is doing or not doing.
Well I have to say, when I got the 1st email... I was like... "I should really be getting ready too". It all crossed my mind and I thought I had pretty good intentions and when I left the computer, all the intentions were gone too!
Then, when the 2nd email came in reporting on week 1, I felt much more panicked... like it was going to sneak up on me (seemingly like everything else usually does) and I wouldn't be ready (AGAIN!!!). WEEK 1, I am already a week behind!!!! Eeeeekk!!!
So I began my self talk and decided I needed to get some things in place so I would be happier facing a 5k instead of regretful.
So yesterday I got my water bottles all filled up and in the fridge with filtered water from a new system my husband was really thrilled about.
(yes the man that doesn't drink water thought we needed a filtration system... probably so I would quit buying bottled water... I can't believe I haven't blogged about this before, anyway another story for another day)
Today, I woke up to a phone call from my bff making sure I was meeting her to start our walking back... (I had set it up, yep good intentions, and then forgotten about it).
On my way to go walk, it hit me, I hadn't drank one ounce of the water I had prepared for the day before.
Uggg! This "Project Me" wasn't going very well so far!
But, I was on my way to go walking!! So it might be salvageable!!
We walked the track at the high school and started out with a goal of 2 miles, so my bff put 8 pebbles in her hand and dropped one every time we made a lap... when the pebbles were gone, it would be 2 miles and we would be done.
I swear she was picking up pebbles along the way or something... every time I asked to see where we were, there seemed to be more than I thought there should be.
(which is why she found a method of keeping track! I tend to cheat and forget when there is no accountability... I think I am seeing a pattern here).
Anyway, it was harder mentally, than physically... but when it was over, the satisfaction so much more outweighed the bad self talk I would have experienced had I not done it.
And something unexpected... it kind of kick started me into drinking my water for the day, I felt a stronger desire to read my scriptures, and make a couple of dreaded phone calls, and check on my neighbor, and play with the dog.
What I have been contemplating through this entire process... is when I give myself good things, that help me feel better, and focus on what might be good for me. Whether it be physically, mentally, or spiritually. It does begin to flow over into other areas of my life, with almost immediate results!!
I can be a better Mom, a better wife, and sister and friend, if I take the time to focus on "Project Me" first!
This is not an easy concept for me, but it does work that way!! I know this and have experienced it over and over and over again in my life. Why I can't keep it going and reach some all time big self goals in my life, I do not have that answer yet!
It all goes back to the Daffodil Principle I love so bulb at a time!

1 comment:

patsy said...

wow great post!

good for you for starting. I can completely relate to the forgetting & starting over- I think that's the story of a mom's life!

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