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Monday, August 11, 2008

2008 Beijing... Let the Games Begin...

We have had a relaxing weekend and been able to watch some of the Olympic games.
I always enjoy them, and have some favorite events. I am much more intense during the winter games. But I do have some favorite summer events too.
I am not as much of a fan of the team sports, like basketball or volleyball... but I watched some water polo this weekend and was surprised to really enjoy it.

I knew I wanted to watch the opening ceremony... but my man thought it would not be fun to watch thousands of athletes walking into a big stadium.
We were late turning it on, but still caught a great deal of the artistic portion of the ceremony.
It was soooo awesome! I loved it!!
My Strong Silent Mysterious Man even really liked it... he didn't realize there would be so much history revealed. He was really into that part of it, and all the symbolism.
I am sure I will get him to do this again in the future without putting up so much of a fight about it.
He has a sister that is really an Olympic enthusiast and was able to take her kids to some of the venues when it was held in SLC. And I threatened to call her a few times and sick her on him if he didn't get in the mood soon. He is finally into it and was hooked the rest of the weekend to keep watching it.
I find myself very annoyed by journalists on world events, but I have to say they are doing a pretty good job this time. I only got really perturbed once during the men's gymnastics broadcast when they kept throwing out the "Chinese Curse" from the past. And for each athlete that had struggles or weakness with routines in the past, they would keep bringing them up. That really annoys me! But for the most part they are doing well to show the good things and the beautiful culture of the Chinese in their journalism.
The teenager and I stayed up late to watch the men's 100 meter freestyle relay, and we were not disappointed!! I was on the edge of my seat yelling as loud as one of their Mom's were!
So exciting for the US team!!
I love how watching top athletes from all over the world, makes me feel like being a better person. A more humble, more disciplined person. I love watching the sportsmanship in these most intense competitions! It makes me want to raise the bar for myself and do better, in all areas of my life!

1 comment:

patsy said...

Good for you getting j to watch the opening ceremonies!!

I feel the same way about the olympics- I might even get my rear off the couch & take a walk today ;)

Way too much tv but I just can't stop watching!!

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