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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Nose to the grindstone...

I don't know where that expression came from... but that is what I have been doing today. Keeping my "nose to the grindstone". Busy working, trying to get the piles of paperwork finished, every one paid, balanced, filed, turned in, mailed out, stuffed, sealed, signed and delivered!
Whew! I only have a few more details to wrap up on my desk, then I can focus on getting everything packed and staged for camp on Monday! I am getting really excited!
Tonight I had to go to dog obedience class by myself, since my strong silent mysterious man had to work late again. It's not like he could do anything to help me, but I really like the moral support.
Taylor was really distracted from the beginning... and I pulled out all the "corrections" and she was not even phased. She was in her own little world tonight. Needless to say, not very obedient.
I found myself tearing up under my sunglasses 3 times, then choking back the tears, I would see a glimmer of hope, maybe she is started to settle into things... then she would be all wacky again!
I was so frustrated!!!
Then they brought out the bunnies!!!
The good news is, no animals were injured or killed in the process, but let's just say I have bruises and leash burns tonight.
The minute we stepped onto the sidewalk headed to the car to go home, she remembered everything she had ever been taught!! She was a perfect little angel!
I could have throttled her, and would have, except I had no more muscle control in my arms from yanking and correcting her all night.
Next week...
How grateful am I to be at camp for this lesson.
Good Luck to the teenager and my Strong Silent Mysterious Man!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dogs...they are definitely our children

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