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Monday, April 14, 2008

Photo Shoot...

(I wrote a big long blog yesterday and lost it in cyberspace somewhere... here is a brief re-issue from Mondays post)
Saturday was my photo shoot with another engaged couple... It was so hard for me!!!
They could only get off work at the same time and meet me in the middle of the day, so the lighting was terrible for shadows! This was way way way harder than I thought.

Even harder for me than the lighting on this day, was the posing... I had researched and got lots and lots of ideas. But not every couple looks good in every pose. For some strange reason, God creates us in all different shapes and sizes and we all don't contort in the same manner and look pretty when captured in a split second and frozen onto an image. Every split second is just not always what we want, or imagine in the world of photography.

I have an even greater respect for professionals in this business than ever... and those who work with children or pets... whew! Bow down to them as photo heroes if they capture the moment.

There is just so much more to it, and not a surprise to me, I knew this... and part of it I love... but the part where you are capturing it for someone else... is the stressor!

I have done one wedding, unprofessionally years ago... but I knew I was the only one taking pictures that day. And the pressure just about killed me. So many things can go wrong and you can't go back and have a "do-over"... once the day is gone, it is gone forever! So I don't know if I will pursue this end of the business professionally. I think I would much prefer to capture what I do and when I have something I love, then put it out there for someone decide if they love it enough to buy it.

That would be more my style I suppose.

Anyway, Dustin and Tera to be married 14 June 2008, we have 178 shots... here are a few. I hope I captured something they will want to share in their invitations. They were the sweetest couple, and it was so fun to meet them, and I was very honored they asked me to take pictures for them.


she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

The pictures look great!

M said...

You have such a wonderful talent. Look at my blog my pictures don't compare to yours. Hey I like your your Self-Portrait Tuesdays thats such a great idea!

PaD said...

The photo's turned out great. You do good work. You're very talented. Love ya Mom D

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