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Monday, March 17, 2008

No common sense without Dad...

My teenager has reached a point where he doesn't listen to me anymore, and his Dad seems to be the only one who can reach him and put some common sense into his head. So with his Dad out of town for a few days, he is really something.

I really have to chose my battles with him, and decide what is really really important, otherwise I am nagging and yelling at him constantly for EVERYTHING!!!

Our precious little puppy Taylor had gotten a little anxious one afternoon over the dogs next door, and broke through the fence to go visit them. My Strong silent mysterious man mended the fence back so it was breakout proof. So the next day while trying to get a better view at those pups next door, sticking her head through the fence that doesn't give anymore, she ended up rubbing all the black hair off of a spot above her eye. Not a big deal, it didn't break the skin or anything. But her skin underneath her fur is white... so it looks like she has something white by her eye.

The teenager as easy going as he is, became very annoyed with her discoloration and decided he could fix her right up until the hair grew back.

I couldn't get her to sit still long enough for a picture (4 months old she is a ball of fire now), but this was his solution.

It actually worked... you can't even see her little scar now. I just hope she doesn't get blood poisoning or anything worse.

Dad hurry home... your teenager is outta control, he knows everything and I can't tell him anything!


Oh ~ and in response to my last post... they were not plotting against me! My strong silent mysterious man thought it was sweet that all his "girls" were crashed in bed together piled up on each other, so he went and got the camera and took a picture of the moment.

How sweet is that? and who is that man?

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