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Friday, December 21, 2007

Keep them in our prayers...

Our Nephew Devin is currently serving in Iraq. And while I won't be able to write it as eloquently as I feel it in my heart... I wanted to at least post a note to remember our military soldiers in our prayers. They are away from their families and the freedoms we enjoy here at home, and serving, sacrificing, and enduring everyday. They won't be enjoying a winter break like we are.

Devin finished 8 months of military training in February, and was hoping to be home for a while, when he left for Iraq two and a half months later. He won't return until June of 2008!

He has a wife and daughter who will be 2 years old in January at home. In their Christmas letter, she sounds very positive and is keeping busy doing really good things at home, and taking great care of their little girl. The pictures she captures of this kid are hilarious, she is a doll.

Today I saw this picture of Devin on her website and just started bawling! I hadn't seen him in action, and honestly couldn't imagine in my mind where he was and what he was doing. I tend to block out things to keep from being affected by them.
We love these kids, will keep them in our prayers as they serve and sacrifice!


patsy said...

That Devon is a stud! I just CANT cry anymore, my eyes are swollen from yesterday- does jeannie have a blog?

patsy said...

This picture looks just like Jim. Really

Beth said...

Jeannie has this picture and more posted on her "Facebook"... I am just learning how to use it, but ask Megan or Jack about it if you don't have an account... they do.

I have found some old friends there since I joined. But I am really a greeny at it :)

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