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Friday, October 26, 2007

Another Day...

It was a good day yeterday... anytime I have an opportunity to hear from our Stake Presidency, it is a good thing. I always walk away feeling loved and appreciated for the time and effort I put into my calling and service I render in the church. I also always experience a great feeling of gratitude towards My Savior, and feel of his love for me. They are amazing Brethren and I am thankful for their faith and commitment in their Priesthood duties.

We set up a table for some treats after our session of the meeting... YES those are Krispy Kreme donuts on the table. It wasn't my idea, but I can't say I wasn't completely supportive of our President and her great taste in treats!

A few more festive decorations in front of the room too... It was fun, and got me in the mood to decorate the house a little better for the season.

This morning before I get any work done... Rudy has to have a bath. Somehow after the lake the other day, he smelled fine, but between then and now he picked up some horrible odor and I had to clean top to bottom to get rid of it.... all the blankets in his kennel, the kennel, and most importantly... HIM. Peeweeew!
But now that everything is in the wash and he has had his bath with some good smelly shampoo, and his nails clipped (which a huge ordeal, another story for another day)... he is now curled up under a clean blanky on the couch.
So I can go get some work done and maybe have some time for myself this afternoon.... after dishes and laundry and raking up leaves, and planting bulbs. A fairly average day, nothing to exciting to journal about.

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