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Friday, March 7, 2008

Saving the Easter Chicken...

I was so excited to get out my Easter box and put out some spring decorations this week.
I love Easter!
It was one of the only holidays when my family lived near me that I would have a family gathering at my house. I am not sure why, but I do love the holiday... deviled eggs, and ham probably was a big draw for me.

My boys, at my request have put all the holiday decorations in the attic... but I just couldn't wait for someone to get home to pull them down. So I finally talked myself into climbing the ladder (I kept the garage door opened in case I fell and landed on my head, my neighbor outside trimming her rose bushes might find me before dark time).

I don't know why I leave such delicate tasks to my boys, like putting boxes away, because as I was teatering on the top rung of the ladder, I finally found the box marked Easter tipped upside down fallen over behind another box, with a big heavy Christmas box crushing on top of it.

After much struggling and tugging on my tippey toes on top of the ladder hanging on for dear life, I got me precious Easter Box down.

I have some really cute bunnies my cousin made and painted tulips on their bums... my favorite.
Flopsy, Mopsy, and Petunia

And who doesn't love character bunnies? These guys don't have names yet. And I also found that I have a thing for carrots, maybe it is their vibrant color of orange... but I found these at a dollar store and had to have them.
I made these silk tie eggs one year, after I decided dying eggs every year without my son would not be any fun, so these are lovely to have on display in place of dying eggs.

This was my crafty project this week, redesigning my old tired spring wreath with some fresh new pastel eggs to hang by my front door

Because I am too afraid to hang this one out there. My sis sent this one to me... it's real hand blown out eggs woven into a wreath. So it is my table center piece... I love this too!

But the funniest thing happened while I was putting out the decorations.

We have had this easter chicken since my teenager was pretty young, my sister found it and we have never had to replace the batteries in it. It just keeps going and going and going... you place it in your hand and the two contacts conduct and set off the chirping.

Apparently when it gets wet (any ol' dog slobber will do) it will start chirping too... I am in another part of the house and I hear the Easter Chicken chirping and chirping in distress... I couldn't imagine what was setting it off? Had that little puppy of ours found her way onto the table, even she couldn't be that naughty? Rudy is way to short, and Morgan... no way!

I grabbed the camera and this is what I found!

Morgan my sweet little girl, the most obedient and good natured, never ever in trouble lab/viszla mix... found the "Easter Chicken"! She adopted it and made it hers! She loves it! She stole it right off the table!!

She is never ever that naughty!!

Just in the nick of time I was able to save the "Easter Chicken", it might have to have a new home way up high somewhere!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness the chicken could still talk...

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