I don't have allot of exciting things to journal about every day.
I have many very ordinary days.
But regardless of what my boys think, I AM busy all day.
But regardless of what my boys think, I AM busy all day.
This is a RARE occasion that the dogs are all quiet and sleeping!
Everyone else curled up on the couch.
See! I couldn't be sitting around watching Oprah... there's no seats left in the house!!
I love these rare occasions, but I "can't leave a sleeping dog lie"... I should go quietly get some work done, but I have to sit down next to them and play with their lips and eye lids and kiss them on the chops.
Did I mention I love these dogs?
If I was really balanced and had it all together, a perfect day would include:
A shower, shampoo and shine for me
Feed and water the dogs
make lunches for the boys
eat breakfast together before sending the boys off for the day
getting some phone calls done
paying the bills
dog play time
balancing the checkbook
finishing a clients taxes
get dinner in the crock pot
walking over and serving at the assisted living home
going for a walk with the dogs
attend my church presidency meeting
take the forgotten item to the teenager at school (okay this would be omitted on a perfect day)
laundry, folded and put away
call my bff
send out cute cards to everyone I was thinking about
get the newsletters done, I am responsible for 3 now
making calls for my church calling
brush the dogs
grocery shoppingrunning errands, banks, post office etc.
take pictures outdoors to fulfill my love of photography
pick up pay checks
read my scriptures
lunch out with my Strong Silent Mysterious Man
pick up the teenager from school
take the dogs to the lake
call my sister, just to chat
read the newspaper
drop off finished work to my clients
go get my hair done
take the dogs to the vet for a check up
type up the agendas for the next days meetings
mop the kitchen floors
drop the teenager off at golf practice
get all the birthday cards for the next month created and ready to mail
dust and vacuum the dog hair
a trip to the YMCA to swim
make homemade Christmas gifts and have them all done before July
meet my man back at home for alone time
pick up the teenager from golf practice
have dinner together
go to the Temple with my man
take the dogs for a walk as a family
have quality family time and prayer before bedtime
go to be early
Unfortunately, I never ever ever seem to have a perfect day.
If I work and get allot accomplished for my clients, the chores don't get done, and it is everyman for himself for dinner, no fun time for me or the dogs.
If I work on the chores, I don't get any work time in, and no fun for me or the dogs.
If I go play, the chores back up, no dinner, no work gets done for the clients, no money to do anything fun again, guilty, and no fun for the dogs.
It is such vicious circle. I do my best, I try and get a little done in each area to get by. But I never ever feel on top of it all. I always feel like I left something undone. I wish I could let go of the guilt and feel really good about what I do get done, and not worry about the rest so much.
I am working on that, it is not easy, I know I complain about it allot!!!
But I really want it all!
I love words!!!
Here are some of the words I have around me...
Wish it... Dream it... Do it.
(for the worrier in me)
Family, forever, for always & no matter what!
(I love that my family will be together in Heaven)
I have blogged about "The Daffodil Principal" ... I love this!
"Team Hoyt" a complete inspiration for getting moving!
Left over Valentines messages
I have words all around me (some words left out to protect the innocent) to encourage me, to remind me, to uplift me, to get me off my butt... and help me to know it is all about the journey... if I had everything done in one day, then what would I do?
Today I will remember...
Life really is about the journey and not the destination.
(hey that would be some more good words to have around me huh!)
1 comment:
When you hit lunch I thought you had done 2 days worth of stuff. Reading it made me realize that my list is just as long and just as unsurmountable. When I read yours I say "what is she thinking", "no wonder she doesn't get it all done." Then I realize I should say the same things to myself. Your blog opened my eyes. I still don't know what to do about it. Let me know if you find the answer.
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