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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

SPT ~ Self Portrait Tuesday ~ A closer Look...

A Closer Look...

Most recently I have taken a closer look at water...

Trying to improve my health, drinking more of it plays a big part. I am becoming much more aware about the water I drink. Some bottled water does actually taste better than others. It affects how my organs inside function. It even plays a part in how much energy I have.

Trying to improve my habits, showering in water... it does much much more than just help get me clean. It helps with my body temperature, it can change my mood, it aids with sore muscles, it has given me a different kind of bonding time with the new puppy in our house.
And speaking of the puppy... water has been a focus in either keeping her out of it. Or cleaning it up off the floor when she attempts to drink it. The big Drool face.
I have thought about the blessings of water, to have it in our home everyday... to wash dishes in our automatic washer, and clothes in our automatic washer, to turn on a faucet and have clean clear water, hot or cold right at our finger tips.
I have thought allot about my nephews serving missions in Chilie, and Brazil and the condition of the water they have to drink or wash in.
I have thought about it enough to try and keep it on my list of things I am grateful for everyday. So God knows I am appreciative and maybe I can keep the blessing of water in my life if I don't take it for granted.


Unknown said...

an excellent take on the challenge. for sure, water is something most of us take for granted. you've put a great spin on it for spt!

congrats on your weight loss. keep it up ;)

Anonymous said...

I'll name this the "Ode to Water" section of your journal.

Johnna said...

Now I understand what you were saying this morning about the water thing. I think that I will be taking particular note of it this next week while we are in Brazil. I will tell you a story about the water puddles at a later time.....

Love you,
Johnna :)

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