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Friday, June 10, 2011


Working a new job brings on a new feeling about Fridays!
The new job working for Doctor Snow (Local ENT and Facial Plastics specialist) is going really good... well lets just say I haven't been fired yet, and I love it!
But my brain is mush.
TGIF, but I can't wait til Monday :)


Lindsey said...

We LOVE Dr. Snow... JAce had many run ins with him at one time and my sis in law use to be his MA. IS Marlana still there? What are you doing for him?

Donna Lynn said...

I'm so excited for you. You have always been one of the best at juggling so I know you will do a great job at home and at work. Enjoy!

PaD said...

Congrats on the new job. Dr. Snow is so lucky to get you to work for him. Love Mom D

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