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Friday, August 13, 2010

Engagement Photos...

My good friend's oldest daughter called me and she is getting married in October.
So we went out to get some engagement photos.
I think these are my favorite kinds of photos to take so far, they are always so in love, it's easy to get them to interact with each other (especially if you want lots of kissing photos, LOL) and it is pretty much natural. But sometimes I do feel like the third wheel, ha ha ha.
Congratualtions Allen and Emily!


She Loves To Make said...

These turned out great!

Emily Jane said...

You took their pictures?? i saw them on facebook & thought to myself: "wow, these are great! They must of had a professional take them." Nice job Sister Dayley! :]

Rachel Ann said...

Love this girl and love these pictures. Wonderful job Beth!

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